Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine:


Chairman of the community: r. Nohum Erentrei 
Tel.: +38 (0612) 12 70 40 
Address: Borodinskaya Str., 9А

Community history
Community activities
Social programs

Community history

Since the founding of the city of Aleksandrovsk in the late XVIII century the Jews began to settle there. The Jewish community in the early years of the town was small, its rapid growth began only after the establishment of Jewish agricultural colonies in the Ukrainian steppes in the middle of XIX century. Many Jews from the nearby colonies of the city were gradually moving to larger cities, including Aleksandrovsk. In 1865 the Rabbi of the city becomes Abraham-David Lavut, the famous Talmudic scholar. He headed the Jewish community of more than 45 years. During this time the Jewish community in the city was rapidly developing and by 1897 had reached 5290 people (28% of the total population). In 1898, the entrepreneur Lishansky built the Central Synagogue of Aleksandrovsk.

During the Second World War the Jews of Zaporozhye who did not evacuate were destroyed. After the liberation of the city Jews who were evacuated have begun to return. Despite numerous requests and petitions, Soviet authorities did not allow the creation of any Jewish legal institutions.

Current Situation

Until recently, the community under the leadership of Rabbi Nohum Erentroy basically solved the immediate and pressing issues in different fields. Everything was made to let Jews in Zaporozhye live the full life. The emphasis was on construction of basic infrastructure, particularly in the field of education. A building of school complex was purchased (total area of 3,600 sq. m.) together with a plot of land (5,000 sq. m.). Educational Complex now includes both secondary school and various community, social and cultural structures.

The syngogue of Zaporozhye. 

Now the Jewish community under the leadership of Rabbi Nohum Erentroy is preparing to launch a new stage of Jewish revival. First of all, the community needs multifunctional Jewish Center - a modern complex, which will concentrate all the cultural and social programs of the community. This would partially relieve the Jewish school which after the creation of a separate guest house for the boys could significantly raise the quality of education and increase the number of students.