Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine:


Chairman of the community: Bondarenko Vladimir 
phone:+38 04143 2-12-89
address: Chernovola Str., 3, Berdichev, Ukraine



Berdichev is a city with rich Jewish history. A hundred years ago Berdichev was called the Jerusalem of Volyn' (geografical area of Ukraine) for 70% of the population of this large (at that time) city were Jews and the main spoken language here was Idish. Special fame was given to the city due to the great chassid tzadik rabbi Levi Izchak of Berdichev who is still known in the world as "a great advocate of the Jewish people".

Picture: Tzadik's tomb.

Today Berdichev lives with active Jewish life in the center of which is the Chabad Lyubavitch community. The community was established in 1999 and most of the Jews of Berdichev are connected to its activity. The community has its own synagogue and carries out extensive work in all the spheres of Jewish life. The community has a kolel and a club for aged people, a women club and a mikva for women of the city and all the region, a yeshiva for yiung men and a library. Children can go to children's club and special events. The community helps those in need with clothes, drugs and food.

Picture: yeshiva and mikva premices.

Picture: children's club. 

Gosti.JPGIt is noteworthy that the community of Berdichev plays a significant role in the receiving of the many guests from all over the world who come here all year long to visit the tomb of the tzadik rabbi Levi Izchak. The community gives them a warm welcome and cares for all their religious and living needs.