Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine:


Chairman of the community: r. Dov Akselrot
Tel: +38 (0472) 39-05-19
Address: Baidy Vishnevetskogo St., 63, Cherkassy

Community history
Community activities

Сommunity activities

Children's Camp

Each year rabbi Dov Akselro tand his wife Chana supervise organization of a school camp and now is the third year which sees summer family camps near the Sea of Azov.

Women's Club

Every Sunday under the direction of Rebbetzin Chana Akselrot the community women gather in the synagogue to have a cup of tea or coffee, learn Torah and discuss various news or share problems or joys. Before each holiday a solemn meeting of the club takes place. The club leader is Rebbetzin Chana Akselrot. It is always very interesting and one can learn new things, participate in various games, quizzes, presentations, consult an experienced psychologist, listen up artists and stylists, meet interesting people or just talk.