History of creation - fjc.org.ua
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History of creation

Since 1991, the revival of Jewish communities in the cities of the former USSR began. Their foundation became possible due to the romantic orientation of the activists of the Jewish movement, lacking basic work experience, a well-thought-out strategy, or even sufficient interest and ability to interact. However, the sheer necessity to be the part of the Jewish world that we feel today was generated then.

The leaders of the communities, those young rabbis who came to Ukraine, were faced with the problem of the spiritual and cultural revival, the need to create the system of the Jewish education and to establish the infrastructure of the community.

It was then, at the initiative of the leaders of Jewish communities and organizations that the Federation was created to coordinate and unite the efforts of Jewish communities and intensify the processes of integration and development of Jewish public life. At first, its role was more of an informational and coordinating one; however, with an increase of the workload, the need for an official registration became apparent.

Today, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine includes over 160 Jewish communities; it unites and coordinates their activities, creates and supports dozens of educational institutions, conducts large-scale charitable and cultural events, and contributes to the revival of the Jewish spiritual tradition.

You can join the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine and support projects aimed at helping those in need throughout the country.