FJCU projects in peacetime
The Federation is set to develop and implement humanitarian projects and charitable programs to support the Jewish population, restore Jewish traditions and culture of the Jewish people.
There are synagogues and rabbis, the envoys of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, in the largest cities of Ukraine. And the interest and desire of the Jews to revive their traditions is becoming more and more evident. Therefore, the Federation takes care of small towns and villages in the regions, too. They already have Jewish schools and kindergartens; and, children from remote areas have the opportunity to receive Jewish education in yeshivas and Higher Educational institutions, living in boarding houses of large communities.
Summer camps, where Jewish children relax and improve their health, studying the laws and traditions of Jewish holidays and celebrations are organized in all regions.
The Federation pays great attention to the celebration of the Jewish holidays in communities with the participation of foreign envoys. All kinds of events, aimed at the acquaintance of the Jewish people with their traditions, are held in different regions with the support of the Federation. The Federation provides the communities with all the paraphernalia necessary for the celebrations. Jewish literature is constantly sent to the cities of Ukraine.
Each community has a small Jewish library that boasts the collections of the best books on history, traditions and culture of the Jewish people. The Federation receives part of the literature from Israel, the rest is published in Ukraine; all the literature has Russian translation. In addition to books, the libraries possess recordings of Jewish songs and melodies, and videos with Jewish traditions.
For Jewish holidays, the Federation publishes booklets upon the history and traditions of the holidays. Jewish communities are also engaged in publishing activities. The communities publish newspapers.