The Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine has released the next series of the Jewish calendar for the year 5782 (2021-2022)

A deep and vast topic has been chosen for the calendars - Deliverance and the coming of Mashiach.

This topic is covered in calendars.
The calendar for 5782 is a unique calendar that can take you to the days of Mashiach!

Numbers and months are given according to the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars. They contain all the important Jewish dates, all the holidays, indicating the time of lighting candles on holidays and Shabbat, the dates of fasts and significant days in Jewish history, and much other very useful information.

Calendars are published in several convenient formats: wall, table, flip, pocket, euro flyer.

5783/ 2022-2023
5782 / 2021-2022
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5776 / 2015-2016
5775 / 2014 - 2015
5774 / 2013 - 2014

5773 / 2012 - 2013

5772 / 2011 - 2012


5771 / 2010 - 2011


5770 / 2009 - 2010